Post by UttuqXul on Mar 23, 2018 14:57:46 GMT
Luther's rebellion, or repelling away from the catholic church, was based on ethical issues. For example, he thought the method of making money- or procuring tithes- called Indulgence was corrupt and illegitimate. It's true, we believe, the church had pretty much fallen away from the original mandate- Jesus had conferred a certain Master Key on Peter, the succession following which was referred to as the Papacy; whether that priesthood continued in actuality for a very long time is of course a question. Such a Key cannot be given to a woman- it's said that Jesus loved Mary most of all, and some speculation, why didn't he then endow her with this "first Pope" rank, has been weighed... Actually, there is much of the church's priesthood which could be given to women, but, just like Pisces Grand Aeons generally, there's a heavy emphasis on male gender, and in the religion. These two being closely connected- Christianity and Pisces aeons- the format most probably is always going to involve a male emphasis. A Grand Pisces Aeon ended in 2012, technically (after about 2160 years).
But Luther's apostasy wasn't really legitimate, for that aeon, notwithstanding these issues. He was acting under the influence of the Mental power, known by such names as Brahm, Jehovah (The False), Kal Niranjan (in the East)- this is also called The Universal Mind Power. This negative power exhalts ethics in a falsity mode; is behind phony social reforms. This apostasy/rebellion led to a great deal of conflict, war, bloodshed- and confusion... Mysteriously, one of the changes this New Aeon brings is that catholic birth, as I interpret, is no longer the best, among the churches; this was actually true, special merit or valiance for Jesus (generally) from former incarnations being the qualifying factor for such birth- for the Aeon Of Pisces. Currently, if born/baptized in a church, I believe the least Stoic, most liberal protestant church is probably a little better than otherwise. Stoicism has a much less good portent for this new aeon. Certainly, people are beginning to take this whole scene less seriously, church activism... But the fundamental truth remains, Luther did not have the Grand Key to found the Christian church anew. Sectarianism has been used by the birth deity to group together people who have similarities or confluence from past existences, following the split; any onus surrounding the Protestant is a greatly alleviated one. One reason might be that Jesus is no longer the Christ Avatar for this, Aquarius, technically; the coming Aquarian Christ is.